

Monday, March 24, 2014

Summer clothes.

Hi guys!
I'm doing something a little different. Since summer is coming pretty soon and spring is already here I wanted to show you some of my favorite spring/summer things I found on the internet. I don't own anything of these things yet I just want to show you what I currently like and maybe will purchase!
The things I will show you are mostly dresses I guess, I like them so much.
Oh and I'm not advertising for the brands I'll show you, these are just items from some of my favorite shops.

Link to this Boohoo dress: flower dress.
I love floral dresses, especially when the sun is shining again. Everything is more beautiful with sun, also all the cute little flowers on this dress. I would pair this up with a (oversized) jean jacket and maybe some all stars or biker boots to give it a little bit more of an edge.

Link to this Boohoo dress: Flower dress.
Surprise, surprise another flower dress. I love that the dress is black and the white flowers, make it so classy but still flirty! I would totally pair this up with a (fake) leather jacket and some biker/buckle boots, loooove that!

Link to this Boohoo dress: Black dress.
I love this one so much, it's the perfect festival dress to me. I like wearing dresses to festivals but I don't like it when they are too short and everyone can see your underwear! This is perfect for that kind of situations. You can still show some leg but also be classy at the same time! I would pair this up with buckle boots or cute black sandals and maybe when it gets colder a jean jacket.

Link to this Forever21 jumpsuit: Black jumpsuit.
Oh men, just give me this one already. I was searching for such a long time for a perfect black jumpsuit and this one seems perfect to me! I love the little detailing at the bottom, that gives just a cute touch to the jumpsuit. I think I'll pair this up with a long cardigan when it gets colder and my creepers.

Link to this Forever21 dress: Blue dress.
I'm kind of having my doubts about this one, I like it but I don't know if I like it that much. I'll have to try it on to see if I like it and if it suits me. I'm definitely digging the whole festival vibe with this one, it's a cute and flirty dress! I would pair this one up with my buckle boots to give it a bit my toughness and maybe a jean jacket or a (fake) leather jacket. 

Link to this Forever21 dress: Maxi dress.

I love this dress so much but I hate that the skirt underneath is so freaking short! Why not make it like  20 centimeters longer? Maybe I'll buy it and wear some shorts underneath it, that would also look pretty cool. I like how it's long, but it's not that classy so it's perfect wearable to festivals! I like to pair this up with maybe buckle boots or my black docs and when it gets colder a (fake) leather jacket.

Link to this Boohoo skort: Gray skirt.
Yea I don't know for sure if I like skorts, I definitely have to get used to the whole skort thing. But if you'll never try you'll never know! I like this gray-ish color, this will look pretty awesome with a floral top and some black allstars.

Link to this Boohoo short: Black short.
Yes, I love this scalloped short! It's cute, but not too cute. I would probably wear them with a crop top or a cute blouse! And some creepers or my buckle boots!

Link to this Boohoo short: Flower short.
Just give this one to me, flowerrrrrrrrrrs! It looks like a skirt but it's actually a short, that's what I prefer. So clever for festivals! And I never wear bright colors, especially bright yellow so this gets me a bit out of my comfort zone. I would definitely pair this short up with a fitted crop top, the short itself is loose enough. Also my creepers or just black allstars and maybe a (fake) leather jacket.

Link to this Forever21 top: Crop top.
This one will match cute with the black shorts above, I would definitely wear this to a festival. With a long cardigan layered over it when it starts to get colder. Yea I like it!

Link to this Forever21 top: Crop top.
And I would pair this one up with those yellow flower shorts! Double flowers. Together with my (fake) leather jacket and some black boots. 

Well, that's it for now. If I'll find more awesome clothes I'll probably do another post about it! I hope you liked it, a bit different then what I normally post but I like to experiment a bit!
Have a lovely day!


P.S; I just got a message from Elle.nl that I won two tickets to an exclusive Weekday x ELLE shopping event, I get to go there this wednesday together with a friend (Janneke <3). We'll get 40% discount on everything from the Weekday shop! Awesome, I'll take some pictures of that evening.

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