

Monday, October 21, 2013


I'm wearing: pleather crop top - primark/dress - primark/coat - c&a/dr martens - thrifted.

Well, that was pretty quick. I asked my sis to take soms photo's and she agreed, but she wanted to be on my blog. So the last picture is my sister, her name is Jasmijn and she's seventeen years young! She looks a lot older, i know. I love how she's always willing to take outfit photo's with me, thanks sis!

So I'm wearing my new pleather crop top from Primark over a dress from Primark! I also put on this wintercoat I got last winter at C&A, I couldn't find one for such a long time untill I stumbled on this one and it was like €30 or something haha. I still like it!
I'm also wearing my awesome docs and I tried something different with my makeup. I normally wear thick black eyeliner but today I thought I do something else. So I put on some browngoldred-ish eyeshadow! It actually looks quite good, I'm happy with the result haha.

So, no more posts for today. Maybe tomorrow! 

Oh! I'm going to see John Mayer tomorrow at Ziggodome in Amsterdam. I'm soooooososososoooo excited, I've been waiting for a concert of John Mayer for like five years or so?