

Sunday, April 6, 2014


 I'm wearing: 
shorts - levi's
flower top - primark
blazer - vero moda
creepers - large.nl
frill socks - ebay
bag - thrifted

Yay, finally a new outfit on the blog! It took me a while but here it is, an new outfit post. 
I've been to the hairdresser and she'd cut off a large piece of my hair, but it's looking and feeling a lot healthier then before. It's also getting lighter and lighter because of the sun! It's kind of orange at the moment but I will color it in like two months I guess.
I'm wearing some shorts again, it's been a while since I've worn them. I think it's not as flattering looking as before but with some good tights and my creepers this will do! I'm so in love with my new blazer thingy, it kind of feels like a cardigan but it looks like a blazer. Perfect! I've actually never showed any of the bags I own, this is one I thrifted a while ago it was like €7 of something. It's real leather and it still looks amazing. I don't own many fancy bags, these days I always carry my tote bag from Dille and Camille with me. It's a home decorating shop located in Utrecht and Den Haag, they're probably in more places but these are the ones I know. If you ever walk past one, just go take a look inside! They sell adorable things, awesome cooking stuff etc. 
Well, I think I'm going to curl up on the couch with a blanket watching a movie or something. I hope I will post soon!

Have a lovely day!


  1. This is so pretty, I especially love your ankle socks & blazer <3


    1. Thank you so much <3
      I got the sock over here:

