

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Eva's breakfast.

Eva's breakfast! Well, since I'm trying to eat more healthy I need to eat breakfast at home every morning. I kinda suck at that, I'm always in such a hurry! However, I'm trying. This is what I've been eating the last four days. It's a smoothie with frozen raspberries, frozen pieces of mango, freshly squeezed orange juice, yoghurt, chia seeds and some peeled hemp seeds. I'll blend up the fruits and seeds and if it's too thick after that I'll blend in some yoghurt. Today I ate a spelt cracker with cheese and some alfalfa, I always try to eat spelt crackers or spelt bread. I think it tastes amazing and it's a lot healthier!


  1. This looks really amazing!
    I tend to just skip breakfast, but this has inspired me to try harder to fit it in!


    1. Haha I know what you mean, I always skipped breakfast but I told myself to eat more healthy and that includes breakfast! So you'll just need to try it, good luck (:
